Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Topic: The Value of Series Books

10-second review: Delight in reading.

Title: “They’re Reading the Series Books So Let’s Use Them….” RF Abrahamson. Journal of Reading (March 1979), 523-530.

Quote: “…these series books (Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, etc.) have provided many readers with hours and weeks of thoroughly enjoyable reading. For many readers, this unconscious delight stage of series book reading taught them the most important lesson of all—there’s something exciting to be found between the covers of a book. Perhaps all of us owe these series books and authors a debt of gratitude.”

Comment: In these days of texting, cell phones, on-demand TV, Ipods, the Internet, etc., when ‘tweens have no time for reading, maybe we should be introducing the series books in the middle schools. And they’re still out there. I checked on They’re still there for another generation to enjoy the act of reading. RayS.

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