Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Research: Charter Schools

Question: What are the effects on students attending charter schools and their parents?

Source: Gleason, P., Clark, M., Tuttle, C. C., & Dwoyer, E. (2010). The evaluation of charter school impacts: Final report. Washington, D.C.: Mathematica Policy Research. Retrieved June 29, 2010 rom

Answer: “Charter schools were more effective for lower income and lower achieving students and less effective for higher income and higher achieving students; they also had positive effects on students’ and parents’ levels of satisfaction with their schools.”

Comment: Key word: What is the meaning of “effective”? RayS.

Title: “Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English.” Richard Beach et al. Research in the Teaching of English (November 2010), Internet. Note: The editors of RTE said that so much research was available they did not want to burden the paper edition of the journal with it, so they relegated their annotated reports on research to the Internet.

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