Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Types of Writing

Annotated Research

Question: What are the most frequent types of writing in the community college?

Answer: “Found that 79 percent of the writing collected was transactional (expository) and 21 percent was expressive (personal narrative).” DJ Herzog. 1989. P. 426.

Comment: Of course, parts of expository writing often include personal narratives as supporting material, and often published narratives (fiction) include explanatory materials. The novels of James Michener are filled with information about history, geography, professions, etc. One gains almost as much information from contemporary novels as from textbooks. RayS.

Title: “Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English.” Russel K Durst and James D Marshall, eds. Research in the Teaching of English (December 1989), 424-442.

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