Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Topic: Significant Sentences

10-second review: Why collect significant sentences?

Teaching English, How To…. Raymond Stopper. Xlibris. 2004.

The first group of sentences is from Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. The second is from Tolstoy’s War and Peace. The third group of sentences is from George Eliot’s Middlemarch.

“Significant sentences” are one consequence of my view about the reasons for reading literature. I collect them because they offer memorable insights into life and into any number of topics related to living.

How do I use them? Essentially, I collect and read significant sentences for the purpose of reflection.

Sometimes I will comment in writing at length on a sentence, relating the idea to my own experience.

Significant sentences become useful quotes when I write and when I engage in public speaking.

Finally, significant sentences are a record of the many hours I have spent absorbed in reading literature and nonfiction. They enable me to return to my favorite works and to think again about each work’s memorable ideas. They stimulate reflection.

Rereading significant sentences is a powerful method of recalling the ideas, spirit and essence of books.

Significant sentences are ideas and ideas are the reason for my being a life-long reader.

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