Monday, November 17, 2008

Topic: Portfolio Assessment and Grading

10-second review: The author describes grading papers submitted for portfolios.

Title: “Portfolios and the Process of Change.” M Roemer, LM Schultz and RK Durst. College Composition and Communication (December 1991), 455-469. A publication of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

Summary: A small group of teachers convenes to grade together student compositions destined for portfolios. The process of discussion of grading a paper was invaluable. “To the extent that teachers build community with others and use the experience to learn and grow, they can find the collaborations exhilarating and revitalizing.”

Comment: Whether for the purpose of portfolio assessment or not, convening a group of teachers to grade papers can be an excellent opportunity to grow in terms of both response to student writing and evaluation. RayS.

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