Friday, August 14, 2009

Topic: Primary Trait Evaluation of Composition

Topic: Primary Trait Evaluation of Composition

10-second review: An example of primary trait scoring. The traits being scored in this evaluation are integration of secondary sources and development of the writer’s ideas.

Title: “Appendix C: Primary Trait Scoring Guide.” S McCloud and H Horn. College Composition and Communication (June 2005), 576. A publication of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

Directions: The following is a primary trait analysis scoring rubric. You are not being asked to grade the paper, but to respond to two primary traits: integration of secondary sources and development of the student writer’s ideas. Please check only one line under each trait, since they are cumulative (e.g., a score of 4 assumes that 1-3 are also present in the paper. Please do not mark on the paper itself.

A. Integration of secondary sources.

1. ………. minimal, ineffective

2. ………. supports the argument of the student writer, no more

3. ………. Furthers the argument of the student writer, no more

4. ………. the student writer questions, challenges, or disagrees with the source (s)

B. Development of the student writer’s ideas

1. ………. an idea from the prompt, a source, or the student writer is repeated, no more

2. ………. ideas are developed by example, no more

3. ………. ideas are elaborated through analysis, no more

4. ………. ideas are elaborated through counterargument

Comment: You or I could disagree on the steps in support of each trait. But the idea of the primary trait scoring is interesting. Should give students a good idea of what is expected in their writing for this particular assignment. I would probably discuss the criteria with the students before the students write. RayS.

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