Thursday, July 14, 2011

Basic Writers and Revision

Question: Would allowing basic writers to take home their essays to revise result in much improved writing?

Answer: Yes. Revising takes time and when basic writers were able to take the essays home (42 students), they were able to take the time to make substantial revisions that improved their writing significantly.

Comment: I know what you are thinking. Someone else helped them when they revised at home. The fact that a majority of students made substantial improvements would seem to belie that charge. I think giving poor writers time to revise is worth trying. A follow-up analysis of changes made might help in assuring that the revisions were made by the writers themselves. RayS.

Title: “Text Revisions by Basic Writers From Impromptu to First Draft to Take-Home Revision.” SA Bernhardt. Research in the Teaching of English (October 1988), 266-280.

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