Monday, January 16, 2012

Informal Digital Experience and Academics

Annotated Research

Question: Will students’ informal use of technology serve their needs for academic achievement?

Results indicate that students need to either prepare themselves or be prepared by educators to
combine their informal experience of communication technology with academic requirements
for actively constructing knowledge in virtual environments.

 Deed, C., & Edwards, A. (2011). Unrestricted student blogging: Implications for active learning in a virtual text-based environment. Active Learning in Higher Education, 12(1), 11–21.

Comment: I don’t know what “actively constructing knowledge in virtual environments” means. But if it means constructing knowledge in school, teachers need to take the “play” out of informal experience with communication technology and apply disciplined use. RayS.

Title:  “Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English.” Richard Beach, et al. Research in the Teaching of English (November 2011), Internet.

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