Question: Does grammar,
either traditional or transformational, help improve children’s writing?
Answer: “A study of
the direct effects of traditional and transformational English grammar on
children’s writing skills which found that the effects are negligible.” WB
Elley, et al. 1976. P. 280.
Comment: First, let’s get straight the purpose of a
knowledge of grammar as applied to writing: it is to polish writing so that the
reader begins at the beginning and reads uninterrupted, in unbroken fashion,
without distraction by grammatical mistakes, from beginning to end. The purpose
of grammar is to study the sentence, to create sentences that read smoothly.
The purpose of composition is to create whole pieces of writing, with the
emphasis on paragraphs, transitions and the expression of ideas that can be
summarized and clearly remembered. The sentence and the composition—two
different analyses with one purpose—a smoothly written composition
uninterrupted by distractions, but not by ideas.
I have read this
study in its entirety. If the care had been taken with the traditional
presentation of grammar as it was with the experimental study of
transformational grammar, the results might have been considerably different. RayS.
Title: “Annotated
Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English, January 1, 1976 to June
30, 1976.” Daniel J. Dieterich. Research
in the Teaching of English (Winter
1976), 278-293.