Monday, July 26, 2010

Topic: Tips on How to Enclourage Your Children's Reading

10-second review: Primary-grade book activities. Independent Reader Activities. Develop a desire to be a lifelong reader.

Title: “Tips for Parents, Primary Caregivers and Educators.” IRA/CBC Liaison Committee. J LaBounty and J Reynolds. Reading Teacher (October 2009), G-15 and G-16.

Primary-Grade Book Activities
.Continue to spend time reading with the child; set aside a specific time and place.

.Become aware of the interests of your children.

.Encourage children to share books read in school with parents and caregivers at home. Parents and caregivers should encourage children to share books they read at home with their teachers and schoolmates.

Independent Reading Activities
.Challenge readers to compare and contrast books.

.Encourage children to read books related to careers.

.Seek a balance between school book activities, home and school reading activities and familiarity with newspapers, magazines that address contemporary social, cultural and civic issues.

Develop the Desire to Be a Lifelong Reader
.Have students bring what is read to bear on what is viewed on film, television and computers.

.Relate what is read to the solution of problems.

Comment: Why do I feel that we are losing the battle to maintain a significant portion of time devoted to reading in our society? RayS.

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